A happy married couple and their 9 year old son leave home for work and school. When they come back that very evening, another couple is inside of their house. The new tenants claim to own the property while the happy family says that they are in fact the righteous owners of the place.
17 Festival de Cortometrajes de Madrid
VII Festival “Humor en Corto” de Arrigorriaga
IV Certamen de Video y Cortometrajes Sierra Norte de Madrid
Notecortes Film Fest 2008
I Certamen de Cortometrajes de Reocín
IV Festival de Cine Familiar “Los Cielos”. Premio al mejor cortometraje
VIII Jornadas de Cortometrajes del Ateneo Ferrolán 2008.
Germán Torres
Carmen Soto
Jesús Monroy
Tirma Ayerbe
Introducing Yago Rodríguez CarrerasCREW
Directed by Daniel Diosdado
Script – Enrique Diosdado y Daniel Diosdado
Production – Adrián Mancebo
Director of photography – Mariano Izquierdo
Sound – Agustín de la Fuente
Editing – Marta Velasco
Assistant director – Alberto Moreno
Production assistant – Enrique Diosdado
Makeup – Hugo Alonso Hernández
Still photographer – Mateo Liébana